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Welcome to the Example Frank & West Website

This website for Frank & West, Environmental Engineers, Inc. is to demonstrate a conceptual idea for their new website. Throughout the example site the filler text Lorem ipsum, has been used to demonstrate format and act as a content placeholder. Once information is gathered for the web site areas the Lorem ipsm text will be removed and replaced with content relating to Frank & West.

The site is fully functional so feel free to click on the links and explore the site.

Public Pages
The website consists of four static content pages that will be presented to users when they visit the site.
  • Home: The first page all visitors will see when they navigate to the website.
  • About Us: For those visitors not already familiar with Frank & West, this is the page they will go to so they may learn about the people behind the company.
  • Services: The services page will list the services that Frank & West provide and a small description of each service
  • Contact Us: Having learned about the company and services, the contact us provides the visitor with all the information needed to contact Frank & West.

Secure Private Pages
The website also provides the front end for the Frank & West employees to log in and run the reporting application. In the upper right hand corner of the page, there is a link [Log On]. Clicking this link will prompt the user for the name and password. Once logged in, the website will change and become the reporting application.